Monday, April 18, 2011

Strange Special Days

On Thursday our Governor, Mary Fallin  signed a bill establishing an official "Second Amendment Day" for Oklahoma. Strange special days seems like a good subject for a list.

Third Wednesday in January; Weedless Wednesday
This one just sounds strange. It has nothing to do with gardening, it is part of National Non-Smoking Week.

February 4; Create a Vacuum Day
No very well known, maybe because it sucks. (sorry)

March 29; Oilfield Prayer Day
Not just a plain old prayer day but an oilfield prayer day. Another Mary Fallin day.

April 4; Tell a lie Day
I've known about this one all my life, honest.

May 9; Lost Sock Memorial Day
I think it is the surviving members of sock pairs that need our support.

June 28; Second Amendment Day
How do you celebrate Second Amendment Day? Perhaps by removing the Confederate flag from the back window of your pick-up so everyone can see your rifle or shotgun decorated in patriotic colors proudly displayed in your easy rider rifle rack.

July 17; Yellow Pig Day
This is a special day for mathematicians to celebrate the number 17 and yellow pigs.  No need to say any more.

August 12; Middle Child Day
The mathematicians from yellow pig day would have called this median child day.

September 19; International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Fight global warming by celebrating this day. If that doesn't make any sense, ask a Pastafarian.

October 13; International Skeptics Day
Maybe it is maybe it isn't.

November 21; False Confession Day
I admit it, I was on the grassy knoll.

December 23; Festivus
TV cult made up holiday.

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